15 September 6 October 2006 Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Mali Salon, Korzo 24, Rijeka, Croatia
Opening: 14 September 2006, 7 pm
Vidéothèque Mobile by Fabrice Gygi (collection of Frac Ile-de-France, Paris) and a selection of French and Croatian video production:
Mathieu K.Abonnenc, Alina Abramova, Anna Adahl, Fikret Atay, Laetitia Badaut, Gilles Balmet, Fayçal Baghriche, Louidgi Beltrame, Berdaguer/Pejus, Michael Blum, Benoit Broisat, Isabelle Cornaro/Heman Chong, Angela Detanico/Rafael Lain, Julien Discrit, Sophie Dubosc, Elenonore De Montesquiou, Elise Florenty, Cédrick Eymenier, Aurélien Froment, Cyprien Gaillard, Adriana Garcia Galan, Frederic Guelaff, Jean Charles Hue, Keja Ho Kramer, Christelle Lheureux, Ariane Michel Laurent Montaron, Emilie Pitoiset, Roman Ondak, Thomas Rodriguez, Maya Schweizer, Noemi Sjöberg, Adam Vackar, Marie Voignier, Laurent Tixador/Abraham Poincheval, Anri Sala, Virginie Yassef, Raphaël Zarka/Vincent Lamouroux Dario Bardic, Ana Bilankov, Jelena Bracun, Goran Cace, Mario Causic, Tanja Dabo, Vladimir Frelich, Petar Grimani, Tina Guerovic, Ana Husman, Ivana Jelavic, Denis Kraskovic, Toni Mestrovic, Renata Poljak, Lala Rascic, Ana Seric, Dario Solman, Leo Vukelic
The exhibition L'Usage de Monde presents, through some thirty selected works, a recent art video production of young French artists linked to Paris scene, as well as a selection of video works by young Croatian artists. Regarding the fact that this is one of the first exhibitions of such a profile in Croatia and since any review is necessarily narrowed, we aim at making presentation of works more complete, simple and hence more accessible. Therefore, the exhibition space of Mali Salon has been defined by the installation of a Swiss artist Fabrice Gygi, Vidéothèque Mobile Mobile Video Library, (collection of Frac Ile-de-France, Paris).
The selection of works accessible in Video Library, partly instigated by the latter's nomadic poetics, is articulated around the themes of journey, change of location, displacements by both French and Croatian artists. Taking into consideration a wider context of travel, from physical movement to experiential events, we wished to examine perceptions, experiences and memories of French and Croatian artists on their journeys, as well as their approach to the very act of physical movement and displacement. The choice of the works at Rijeka's exhibition reveals various thematic approaches, as well as the video works of formally various commitments; from auto referential, narrative, conceptual, poetic and fantastic to meta-media and animations...
In a book L'Usage du Monde, Swiss writer and traveller Nicolas Bouvier describes his 1950s car travel from Balkans to Afghanistan. For Bouvier, travelogue was not only a form of autobiographic authentic diary but also a chance to express his life philosophy. French word usage denotes custom, usage, application, experience, habit, and behaviour... while monde denotes world. Contemporary form of "artistic" nomadism, present both in video works and in the Vidéothèque Mobile of Fabrice Gygi, confirms the coexistence of diverse aspects of exploration, various modes of appropriation of new and known milieus, new approaches to world, life and some new usage du monde.
Curated by Ana Janevski
Collaboration: Vérane Pina and Margherita Ratti
Acknowledgments: Galerie Martine Aboucaya, Cosmic Galerie, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Galerie gb agency, Galerie in situ-fabienne leclerc, Galerie Michel Rein, Galerie schleicher+lange, Galerie Zürcher, Frac Ile-de-France, The Ministry of Culture, Zagreb, City council of Rijeka Nathalie Boudet, Keren Detton, Guillaume Constantin, Anne Dressen, Ivana Mestrov, Alice Motard, Natasa Petresin, Niklas Svennung.